
38th AIEL Conference

Start: 08-09-2023
End: 09-09-2023
Location: University of Genoa

The Italian Association of Labour Economics (AIEL) and the Department of Economics and Business Studies of the University of Genoa are pleased to invite submissions to the 38th AIEL Conference, to be held in Genoa on 8 and 9 September 2023. The programme will include invited lectures and parallel sessions.

Keynote lecture
The keynote lecture will be delivered by Joshua Angrist (MIT), 2021 Nobel Laureate in Economics.

Invited plenary session
The conference will feature a plenary session on “Family Economics” with talks by Aline Bütikofer (Norwegian School of Economics) and Libertad González (Pompeu Fabra University).

37th National Conference of Labour Economics

Start: 23-09-2022
End: 24-09-2022
Location: Salerno

The Department of Economics and Statistics (DiSES) of the University di Salerno is pleased to invite you to attend the 37th Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economics to be held in Salerno, on the 23rd-24th September 2022 at the Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose “San Matteo”, Via Bastioni, 6. 

Theme: Labour market in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis: old and new challenges  

Keynote speakers:
This year the AIEL keynote lectures will be delivered by: Giuseppe Bertola (Università di Torino) and Alan Manning (LSE).

Invited policy session
There will be a special invited plenary session on “Regulation of labour markets and wage bargaining”. The invited speakers will be: Andrea Garnero (European Commission, JRC) and Eliana Viviano (Banca d’Italia).

36th National Conference of Labour Economics

Start: 25-11-2021
End: 26-11-2021
Location: Online

Due to the global health situation caused by coronavirus pandemic, the AIEL 2021 Annual Conference scheduled at the University of Salerno has been postponed to September 2022. For this year, the Board has decided to organize a virtual ONLINE conference to be held on the 25th-26th November 2021. More information on the web platform will be provided in due course.

The theme of the Conference is: Household decision-making, child development and labour market outcomes.

This year the AIEL keynote lecture will be delivered by Daniela Del Boca (Collegio Carlo Alberto). There will be a special invited plenary session on “Policies for families: proposals and applications”. The invited speakers will be: Magda Bianco (Banca d’Italia) and Marco Leonardi (Università degli Studi di Milano).

35th National Conference of Labour Economics

Start: 17-09-2020
End: 18-09-2020
Location: ONLINE

Due to the global health situation caused by coronavirus pandemic, the AIEL 2020 Annual Conference scheduled at the University of Salerno has been postponed to September 2021. For this year, the Board has decided to organize a virtual online conference.

The Italian Association of Labour Economists is pleased to invite you to attend the 35th Annual Conference to be held on line, on the 17th-18th September 2020. More information on the web platform will be provided in due course.

Theme: Causes and consequences of inequality in the labour market and beyond.

Keynote speakers: This year the AIEL keynote lecture will be delivered by Claudia Olivetti (Dartmouth College - US).

Invited policy session: There will be a special invited plenary session on “Inequalities in the Italian Academia”. The invited speakers will be: Francesca Bettio  (Università di Siena), Antonio Felice Uricchio (Presidente ANVUR), Gianfranco Viesti (Università degli Studi di Bari “Aldo Moro").

34th National Conference of Labour Economics

Start: 12-09-2019
End: 13-09-2019
Location: Department of Business and Economics (DiSEI) of the Università del Piemonte Orientale

Theme: Human Capital in modern societies: theories, policies, and economic implications.

33rd National Conference of Labour Economics

Start: 20-09-2018
End: 21-09-2018
Location: Marche Polytechnic University

The Faculty of Economics “Giorgio Fuà” and the Department of Economics and Social Sciences of the Marche Polytechnic University are pleased to invite you to attend the 33rd annual Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists to be held in Ancona (AN), on the 20th-21st September 2018. 

Theme: Population ageing, fertility and family policies

The theme of the AIEL 2018 plenary sessions is the analysis of population ageing and of the role of families in fertility decisions, labour market participation, and children's education. The keynote lectures will be delivered by Jan van Ours (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Andrea Ichino (European University Institute), and Rafael Lalive (University of Lausanne). 


32nd National Conference of Labour Economics

Start: 14-09-2017
End: 15-09-2017
Location: University of Calabria

We are pleased to invite you to attend the 32nd annual Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists to be hosted by the Department of Economics, Statistics and Finance “Giovanni Anania” at the University of Calabria in the Arcavacata Campus in Rende (Cosenza), on the 14th-15th September 2017.

Theme: Gender Gaps in Educational Choices

The theme for this year conference is the analysis of the factors determining different educational choices and labour market outcomes across gender.

Keynote speaker

This year the AIEL keynote lecture will be delivered by:

  • Victor Lavy (Hebrew University of Jerusalem and University of Warwick),

 “Why There Are Fewer Female Engineers: The Role of Teachers”.

Invited policy session

There will be a special invited plenary session on Retirement and Reform of the Pension System. The policy issues are the financial sustainability of the pension system and the effect the institutional setup on welfare and health of retired workers. These relevant policy issues will be addressed by lectures given by:

  • Giorgio Brunello (University of Padova)
  • Marco Francesconi (University of Essex)

31st National Conference of Labour Economics

Start: 22-09-2016
End: 23-09-2016
Location: Trento

We are pleased to invite you to attend the 31st annual Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists to be held in Trento, on the 22nd-23rd September 2016. The conference will be hosted by the Department of Sociology and the Department of Economics and Management at the University of Trento, with the support of IRVAPP-Fondazione Bruno Kessler.

The theme for the 2016 conference is the "Economics of Culture" and the keynote lecture will be delivered by Paola Giuliano (UCLA Anderson School of Management). A special plenary session on “minimum income policies” will take place with the following invited speakers: Ive Marx (University of Antwerp) and Ugo Colombino (Università di Torino).

There will also be sessions co-organized by AIEL and AEET (Asociación Española de Economía del Trabajo), and with IZA (Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn).

30th National Conference of Labour Economics

Start: 17-09-2015
End: 18-09-2015
Location: Università  di Cagliari

The 30th Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists will be held in Cagliari on the 17th-18th September 2015. The conference will be hosted by the University of Cagliari. The programme will include invited lectures, parallel and poster sessions. The Conference will provide an opportunity to analyse and discuss issues related to the functioning of the labour market as well as develop research collaborations.The theme for the 2015 conference is about the Economics of Migration and the keynote lecture will be delivered by Christian Dustmann (UCL and EALE President). A special plenary session on "Policy issues in Italy" will take place with the following invited speakers: Fabiano Schivardi (Bocconi University) and Maria De Paola (University of Calabria).

29th National Conference of Labour Economics

Start: 11-09-2014
End: 12-09-2014
Location: Università di Pisa

The Conference consisted of two thematic sessions and a session including free contributions. The thematic sessions was introduced by invited lectures given by Ludger Woessmann (University of Munich and IZA) e Stephen Machin (UCL), followed by the presentation of the selected papers.


Start: 17-12-2013
Università di Roma Tre AIEL AISRI ASTRIL Lifelong Learning Program con il Patrocino del Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali

28th National Conference of Labour Economics

Start: 27-09-2013
End: 28-09-2013

Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali “Guido Carli”, Roma


Start: 28-02-2013
End: 01-03-2013

Organized by AIEL, and ITSG, Italian Trade Study Group Invited speakers: Marius Brulhart, Francis Kramarz, University of Padova

27th National Conference of Labour Economics

Start: 27-09-2012
End: 28-09-2012

Seconda Università di Napoli - Capua (CE)

26esimo Convegno Nazionale di Economia del Lavoro

Start: 15-09-2011
End: 16-09-2011

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano

25esimo Convegno Nazionale di Economia del Lavoro, Università di Chieti Pescara "G. D'Annunzio"

Start: 09-09-2010
End: 10-09-2010

Convegno Internazionale in memoria di Maria Concetta Chiuri

Start: 01-07-2010
End: 03-07-2010

AIEL-LABOR-ChilD International Conference on Labor Market and the Household: Theory and Application

Start: 06-11-2009
End: 07-11-2009

Collegio Carlo Alberto, Mocalieri (Torino). Keynote speakers: Ugo Trivellato, Alan Duncan, Janet Gornick (Premio Tarantelli alla carriera)

24esimo Convegno Nazionale di Economia del Lavoro

Start: 24-09-2009
End: 25-09-2009

Università degli Studi di Sassari

23esimo Convegno Nazionale di Economia del Lavoro

Start: 11-09-2008
End: 12-09-2008

Università degli Studi di Brescia, Facoltà di Economia

22esimo Convegno Nazionale di Economia del Lavoro Napoli

Start: 13-09-2007
End: 14-09-2007

Università di Napoli “Parthenope”

21esimo Convegno Nazionale di Economia del Lavoro, Udine

Start: 14-09-2006
End: 15-09-2006

20esimo Convegno Nazionale di Economia del Lavoro Roma

Start: 22-09-2005
End: 23-09-2005

Tavola Rotonda CNEL Concertazione,occupazione

Start: 19-04-2005

crescita: attualità del pensiero di Ezio Tarantelli - con l'assegnazione del Premio Ezio Tarantelli alla carriera scientifica al prof. UGO TRIVELLATO, Roma

International Conference Social Pacts, Employment and Growth: A Reappraisal of Ezio Tarantelli's Thought, Roma

Start: 31-03-2005
End: 02-04-2005

19esimo Convegno Nazionale di Economia del Lavoro, Modena

Start: 23-09-2004
End: 24-09-2004

Accordo di luglio 1993 e struttura dei salari Bergamo

Start: 18-06-2004

18esimo Convegno Nazionale di Economia del Lavoro Messina

Start: 25-09-2003
End: 26-09-2003

17esimo Convegno Nazionale di Economia del Lavoro Salerno

Start: 26-09-2002
End: 27-09-2002

Seminario AIEL-AISRI-AIDLASS tenutosi presso il CNEL

Start: 18-09-2002
Protezione dalla disoccupazione e ruolo delle parti sociali

Convegno “Qualità del processo formativo ed esiti sul mercato del lavoro”, Milano

Start: 16-11-2001

16esimo Convegno Nazionale di Economia del Lavoro - Firenze

Start: 04-10-2001
End: 05-10-2001

Differenziali regionali e politiche del lavoro - Salerno

Start: 03-11-2000
End: 04-11-2000

15esimo Convegno Nazionale di Economia del Lavoro Ancona

Start: 28-09-2000
End: 29-09-2000

International Conference on Organisational Designs

Start: 22-06-2000
End: 23-06-2000

14esimo Convegno Nazionale di Economia del Lavoro Milano

Start: 07-10-1999
End: 08-10-1999

Politiche del lavoro, riforma del Welfare e squilibri regionali

Start: 28-11-1998
End: 29-11-1998
Workshop organizzato dal CELPE, Centro Studi di Economia del Lavoro e Politiche Economiche dell'Università di Salerno, nell’ambito del Progetto Strategico del CNR su "Disoccupazione e basso livello di attività in Italia" - Salerno

Politiche del lavoro e politiche della formazione

Start: 11-11-1998
Workshop organizzato dall'IDSE-CNR (responsabile: Nicola De Liso}, nell’ambito del Progetto Strategico del CNR su "Disoccupazione e basso livello di attività in Italia" - Milano

13esimo Convegno Nazionale di Economia del Lavoro Trieste

Start: 01-10-1998
End: 03-10-1998

12esimo Convegno Nazionale di Economia del Lavoro Cagliari

Start: 02-10-1997
End: 04-10-1997

AIEL 1997 International Conference on International Macroeconomic Policy Coordination and Employment Messina

Start: 22-05-1997
End: 23-05-1997

11esimo Convegno Nazionale di Economia del Lavoro Napoli

Start: 03-10-1996
End: 05-10-1996

10° Convegno Nazionale di Economia del Lavoro Bologna

Start: 05-10-1995
End: 07-10-1995

9° Convegno Nazionale di Economia del Lavoro Trento

Start: 13-10-1994
End: 15-10-1994

8° Convegno Nazionale di Economia del Lavoro Salerno

Start: 14-10-1993
End: 16-10-1993