31st National Conference of Labour Economics

Keynote Lecture
Paola Giuliano ()
Culture and Educational Performance
Policy Session
Ive Marx ()
Poverty and Low Wages: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Policy Issues
Ugo Colombino ()
Basic Income Policies: Theory and Empirical Evidence
A1. Education I Chair: Adriana Di Liberto (Università  di Cagliari)
Marco Tonello (Bank of Italy)
Joint with:
Rosario Ballatore (Bank of Italy|;|Marco Paccagnella)
Bullied Because Younger than my Mates? The Effect of Relative and Absolute Age on Victimization at School
Adriana Di Liberto (University of Cagliari)
Joint with:
Laura Casula (University of Cagliari )
Teacher assessments versus standardized tests: is acting girly\" an advantage?
Carmen Aina (Università del Piemonte Orientale)
Joint with:
Lorenzo Cappellari (Università Cattolica |;|Marco Francesconi)
Is well begun half job done? Evidence from educational production functions of university students
Giuseppe Lubrano Lavadera (University of Salerno)
Joint with:
Giuseppe Lucio Gaeta (University of Naples Orientale|;|Francesco Pastore)
Much ado about nothing? The wage effect of holding a Ph.D. but not a Ph.D. job position
A2. Institutions and labour market policies Chair: Giovanna Vallanti (LUISS Guido Carli)
Andrea Albanese (luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER), Ghent University)
Joint with:
Bart Cockx (Ghent University|;|Yannick Thuy)
Working Time Reductions at the End of the Career. Do they Prolong the Time Spent in Employment?
Teresa Randazzo (IMT Lucca)
Joint with:
Angela Parenti (IMT Lucca|;|Cristina Tealdi)
The Schenghen effect on cross-border commuting to Switzerland
Giovanna Vallanti (luiss)
Joint with:
Giuseppina Gianfreda (Iniversità della Tuscia)
Tax evasion and productivity: do firms escape EPL through informality?
Marta Fana (SciencesPo Paris)
Joint with:
Michele Raitano (University Sapienza Rome)
Labour market deregulation and workers’ prospects at the beginning of the career: evidence from Italy
A3. Wage inequality and mobility Chair: Chair: Stefani Scherer (Università  di Trento)
André Nolte (Centre for European Economic Research)
Joint with:
Nicole Gürtzgen (IAB and University of Regensburg)
Changing Fortunes During Economic Transition - Low-Wage Persistence before and after German Unification
Stefani Scherer (University of Trento)
Joint with:
Raffaele Grotti (University of Trento )
The Economic Consequences of Job-loss. Evidence from Germany and the US
Achard Pascal (European University Institute)
The intergenerational mobility of immigrants: How persistent is pre-migration parental background
Rosa Garcia-Hernández (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
Variable Pay Systems: Collective Bargaining and Wage Inequality in Six Different European Countries
A4. Education and well-being Chair: Thomas van Huizen (Utrecht University)
Lucia Mangiavacchi (University of the Balearic Islands)
Joint with:
Luca Piccoli (University of the Balearic Islands)
Parental Alcohol Consumption and Adult Children's Educational Attainment
Thomas van Huizen (Utrecht University)
Joint with:
Yusuf Emre Akgündüz (Utrecht University)
The Impact of Spending on Early Childhood Education and Care on PISA Scores
Marta de Philippis (Banca di Italia)
Joint with:
Giulia Bovini (LSE|;|Paolo Sestito)
Time Spent at School and Inequality in Students’ Learning Outcomes
Adriana Barone (University of Salerno)
Joint with:
annamaria nese (University of Salerno)
Investment in education, Obesity and Health behaviours
A5. Women and gender in the labour market Chair: Lavinia Parisi (Università  di Salerno)
Xiangdan Piao (Hitotsubashi University)
Gender’s different choices on labor supply, leisure, consumption and home production
Claudia Pigini (Università Politecnica delle Marche)
Joint with:
Alessia Lo Turco (Università Politecnica delle Marche|;|Elizabeth Jane Casabianca)
Women at work: Discovering heterogeneous returns to tasks across gender
Marianna Filandri (University of Turin)
Joint with:
Tiziana Nazio (University of Turin and Collegio Carlo Alberto)
When Resources Trump Need. Regular Inter-Household Cash Transfers to Young People in Europe
B1. Education II Chair: Maria Laura Di Tommaso (Università  di Torino)
Jacek Liwinski (University of Warsaw)
Joint with:
Emilia Bedyk (University of Warsaw)
The wage premium from parents’ investments in the education of their children in Poland
Dario Sciulli (Università di Chieti-Pescara)
Joint with:
Bartolucci Francesco (Università di Perugia|;|Donata Favaro)
The long-run effects of streamed primary education on socio-political participation
Barbara Masi (Queen Mary University of London)
On the Way Down: the Unintended Consequences of School Transport Subsidies
Maria Laura Di Tommaso (University of Torino)
Joint with:
Dalit Contini (University of Torino|;|Silvia Mendolia)
The gender gap in mathematics achievement: Evidence from Italian data.
B2. Migrations I Chair: Massimiliano Bratti (Università  degli Studi di Milano)
Luca Piccoli (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
Joint with:
Ignacio Gimenez-Nadal (Universidad de Zaragoza|;|Lucia Mangiavacchi)
Mobility across generations of the gender distribution of housework
Massimiliano Bratti (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Joint with:
Simona Fiore (Università degli Studi di Bologna|;|Mariapia Mendola)
Family Size, Sibling Rivalry and Migration: Evidence from Mexico
Antonio Accetturo (Bank of Italy)
Joint with:
Michele Cascarano (Bank of Italy|;|Guido De Blasio)
Population Growth and Structural Change: Italy 1951-2011
B3. Employment and structural change Chair: Maria Molina-Domene (London School of Economics)
Goerke Laszlo (IAAEU - Trier University)
Joint with:
Michael Neugart (Technical University Darmstadt)
Social comparisons in oligopsony
Eleonora Cutrini (Università di Macerata)
Joint with:
Enzo Valentini (Università di Macerata)
Regional Strategies for Dealing with Structural Change
Gabriela Galassi (European University Institute)
Joint with:
Lukas Mayr (European University Institute|;|David Koll)
Intergenerational correlation of employment rates: Is there a role for work culture?
B4. Job flows and workers flows in the labour market Chair: Leandro Elia (EU Commission)
Leandro Elia (European Commission)
Joint with:
Catalin Dragomirescu-Gaina (Foundation for European Progressive Studies)
Technology shocks and sectoral labour market dynamics
Eman Abdulla (University of Manchester)
Joint with:
George Chouliarakis (Deputy Finance Minister|;|Franciscos Koutentakis)
Labour Markets in Depression: Worker Flows and Unemployment Dynamics in Greece, Portugal and Spain since the Financial crisis of 2008
Roberto Nistico (CSEF, Università di Napoli Federico II)
Joint with:
Michele Di Maio (Università di Napoli Parthenope)
Effect of parental job loss on child school dropout: evidence from the Palestinian Occupied Territories
Yu Han (Cologne Graduate School & CMR)
Skill Formation, Demographic Change and Labor Market Volatility
B5. Income distribution and poverty Chair: Concetta Rondinelli (Banca d''Italia)
Yiyang Luo (Department of Economics, University of Essex)
No retirement consumption puzzle--the Effect of Labour Supply on Disaggregated Life Cycle Expenditure in the Later Life
Anna Giraldo (Università di Padova)
Joint with:
Stefano Mazzuco (Università di Padova|;|Lucia Coppola)
Poverty and its Dynamics in Italy: Comparing Results by using Absolute and Relative Poverty Thresholds
Alina Sandor (University of Trento)
Joint with:
Gabriella Berloffa (University of Trento|;|Eleonora Matteazzi)
Employment and income security of young Europeans: A dynamic approach
Sergii Troshchenkov (University of Milan)
Joint with:
Olle Westerlund (University of Umea)
Self-selection into Long-Distance Commuting on Earnings and Latent Characteristics
C1. AIEL-IZA joint session Chair: Werner Eichhorst (IZA, Bonn)
Kilian Niedermayer (Institute for Employment Research (IAB))
Joint with:
Jan Tilly (University of Pennsylvania Department of Economics)
Employment and Welfare Effects of Short-Time Work in Germany
Katrin Hohmeyer (IAB, Nuremberg)
Long-term Unemployment – Structures, Policy, Evaluation
Werner Eichhorst (IZA, Bonn)
Non-standard Work and the Minimum Wage
C2. AIEL-AEET joint session Chair: Dario Sciulli (Università  di Chieti-Pescara G. D''Annunzio)
Antonio Di Paolo (AQR-IREA, Universitat de Barcelona)
Joint with:
Alessia Matano (AQR-IREA Universitat de Barcelona)
The Impact of Working while Studying on the Academic and Labour Market Performance of Graduates: the Joint Role of Work Intensity and Job-Field Match
Begona Cueto (University of Oviedo)
Joint with:
Matías Mayor (University of Oviedo|;|Patricia Suárez)
Start-up subsidies for youth: Do they work?
Fco. Javier Mato Díaz (Dr.)
Joint with:
Israel Escudero Castillo ()
Lost in transition? Private vs. public internship programme effects on young graduates
Giulio Bosio (Università di Bergamo)
Joint with:
Annalisa Cristini (Università di Bergamo|;|Federica Origo)
Parental Wealth, Temporary Contracts and Youth Emancipation in a Gender Perspective. The Case of Italy and Spain
C3. AIEL-Policy Italy joint session Chair: Guido De Blasio (Banca d''Italia)
Concetta Rondinelli (Bank of Italy)
Joint with:
Andrea Neri (Bank of Italy|;|Filippo Scoccianti)
The marginal propensity to consume out of a tax rebate: the case of Italy
Guido De Blasio (Bank of Italy)
Joint with:
Guglielmo Barone (Bank of Italy|;|Alessio D’Ignazio)
Incentives to Local Public Service Provision: An Evaluation of Italy's Obiettivi di Servizio
Andrea Petrella (Bank of Italy)
Joint with:
Andrea Lamorgese (Bank of Italy)
An Anatomy of Italian Cities: Evidence from Firm Level Data
Rita Cappariello (Bank of Italy)
Joint with:
Roberta Zizza (Bank of Italy)
Take it or Leave it. Hidden Labour along the Crisis
D1. Education and Training Chair: Vincenzo Scoppa (Università  della Calabria)
Vincenzo Scoppa (Università della Calabria)
Joint with:
Maria De Paola (Università della Calabria |;|Francesca Gioia)
Free-riding and Knowledge Spillovers in Teams. The Role of Social Ties
Francesca Sgobbi (DIMI - Università di Brescia)
Does training improve skill match?
Puhani Patrick (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Do Boys Benefit from Male Teachers in Elementary School? Evidence from Administrative Panel Data
D2. Migrations II Chair: Alessandra Venturini (Università  di Torino)
Alessandra Venturini (Università di Torino)
Joint with:
Claudio Fassio (Lund University|;|Sona Kalataryan)
Human Resources and Innovation: Total Factor Productivity and Foreign Human Capital
Gianna Giannelli (University of Firenze)
Joint with:
Sara Burrone (University of Firenze)
Child labor and labor market outcomes in Tanzania: a gender perspective
Maria Laura Parisi (University of Brescia)
Joint with:
Chiara Mussida (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)
The effect of economic crisis on regional income inequality in Italy
D3. Wages Chair: Marco Leonardi (Università  di Milano)
Marco Leonardi (Università di Milano)
Joint with:
Michele Pellizzari (Université de Genève|;|Domenico Tabasso)
Wage Compression Within the Firm
Marco Guerrazzi (Department of Economics, University of Genoa)
Joint with:
Mauro Sodini (Department of Economics and Management University of Pisa)
Efficiency-Wage Competition and Nonlinear Dynamics
Balazs Reizer (Central European University)
Do Firms Pay Bonuses to Protect jobs?
Giovanni Bruno (Università Bocconi)
Joint with:
Floro Ernesto Caroleo (Università di Napoli Parthenope|;|Orietta Dessy)
Testing Compensating Wage Differentials in Italy using Jobsatisfaction data
D4. Job creation and job destruction Chair: Chiara Mussida (Università  Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)
Sauro Mocetti (Bank of Italy)
Joint with:
Fabio Berton (University of Turin|;|Andrea Presbitero)
Banks, firms, and jobs
Chiara Mussida (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)
Joint with:
Maurizio Baussola (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore|;|Camilla Ferretti)
Pitfalls in modelling labour market flows: A reappraisal
Francesco Manaresi (Bank of Italy)
Joint with:
Francesca Lotti (Bank of Italy)
Finance and Creative Destruction: Evidence for Italy
D5. Public sector labour markets Chair: Emanuele Ciani (Banca d''Italia)
Tamara Harrer (Institute for Employment Research)
Joint with:
Andreas Moczall (Institute for Employment Research|;|Joachim Wolff)
Are Programmes that Allow Job Centres Considerable Freedom to Choose the Exact Design Effective?
Paola Naddeo (Istat)
Joint with:
Sergio Destefanis (Università di Salerno)
Is the State a Good Employer?
Emanuele Ciani (Bank of Italy)
Joint with:
Marta Auricchio (Bank of Italy|;|Alberto Dalmazzo)
The Consequences of Public Employment: A Local Analysis
Enrica Maria Martino (University of Turin, CHILD-Collegio Carlo Alberto)
College wage premium and wage inequality in Italy
E1. Work organisation and Health Chair: Joachim Wolff (Institute for Employment Research)
Joachim Wolff (Institute for Employment Research)
Joint with:
Gerard van den Berg (University of Bristol|;|Arne Uhlendorff)
Under heavy pressure: Intense monitoring and accumulation of sanctions for young welfare recipients in Germany
Giulio Bosio (University of Bergamo)
Joint with:
Federica Origo (Università di Bergamo|;|Tommaso Minola)
Healthy, wealthy or busy? Self-employment and healthcare services utilization in Europe
Paolo Ghinetti (DiSEI, Università del Piemonte Orientale)
Joint with:
Elena Cottini (Università Cattolica di Milano)
Fear of the dark? Employment insecurity and health in Denmark
E2. International trade and labour markets Chair: Paolo Naticchioni (Università  di Roma Tre)
Paolo Naticchioni (University of Roma Tre and IZA)
Joint with:
Italo Colantone (Bocconi University|;|Alessia Matano)
New Imported Inputs, Wages and Worker Mobility
Mara Grasseni (University of Bergamo)
Joint with:
Giulio Bosio (University of Bergamo|;|AnnaMaria Falzoni)
Local labour markets, skills and Chinese imports’ competition: Evidence from Italy during recession
Stefano Schiavo (Università di Trento and OFCE SciencesPo)
Joint with:
Lionel Nesta (OFCE SciencesPo )
International Competition and Imperfect Markets: Firm Level Evidence from French Manufacturing Firms
E3. Macroeconomics of the Labour Market Chair: Sergio Destefanis (Università  di Salerno)
Roberto Iorio (Università di Salerno)
Joint with:
Sergio Destefanis (Università di Salerno|;|Giuseppe Mastromatteo)
Wage and Income Inequality between Market Forces and Institutional Settings: a Review of the Cross-country Literature
Pasquale Tridico (Università Roma Tre)
Joint with:
Riccardo Pariboni (Università di Roma Tre)
Inequality, Financialisation and Economic Decline
Francesco Carbonero (IAB)
Joint with:
Enzo Weber (IAB|;|Christian Offermanns)
The Trend in Labour Income Share: the Role of Technological Change in Imperfect Labour Markets
E4. Labour supply and labour demand Chair: Simone Moriconi (Università  Cattolica di Milano)
Simone Moriconi (Università Cattolica di Milano)
Joint with:
Giovanni Peri (University of California Davis)
Country-specific preferences and employment rates in Europe
Giulia Montresor (University of Essex)
Job polarization and labour supply changes in the UK
Chiara Mussida (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)
Joint with:
Andy McKay (University of Sussex|;|Leticia Veruete)
The nature of youth employment in Cambodia: informal activity continues to dominate despite consistent economic growth
Duncan Roth (Institute for Employment Research)
Cohort size and transitions into the labour market
E5. Personnel economics Chair: Stefano Staffolani (Università  Politecnica delle Marche)
Giovanni Pica (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Joint with:
Giacinta Cestone (Cass Business School |;|Chiara Fumagalli)
Insurance Between Firms: The Role of Internal Labor Markets
Gabriele Mazzolini (Università degli studi di Milano Biccocca)
Joint with:
Laura Pagani (Università degli studi di Milano Biccocca|;|Alessandro Santoro)
The effects of audits on tax compliance
Massimo Mancini (ISTAT)
Contract and labor effort: an assessment
Stefano Staffolani (Università Politecnica delle marche)
Joint with:
Claudia Pigini (Università Politecnica delle Marche)
Teleworkers in Italy. Who are they? Do they earn more?