32nd National Conference of Labour Economics

01. Keynote Lecture
Victor Lavy (Hebrew University of Jerusalem and University of Warwick)
Persistency in Teachers’ Grading Biases and Effect on Longer Term Outcomes: University Admission Exams and Choice of Field of Study
02. Policy Session
Giorgio Brunello (Università di Padova)
Does A Higher Retirement Age Reduce Youth Employment?
Marco Francesconi (University of Essex)
Understanding Belief Formation: Evidence from Pension Reform in Europe
A1. VisitInps I Chair: Paolo Naticchioni (Università  di Roma Tre)
Bernardo Fanfani (Università di Torino)
Joint with:
Francesco Devicienti (Università di Torino|;|Agata Maida)
The Evolution of Wage Inequality in Italy
Edoardo Di Porto (DISES Federico II Napoli)
Joint with:
Enrica Maria Martino (INED Paris |;|Paolo Naticchioni)
Back to Black
Koray Aktas (Universita Cattolica)
Characterizing Income Shocks over the Life-cycle
Enrica Maria Martino (INED, CHILD - Collegio Carlo Alberto)
The Labor Cost of Motherhood and the Length of Career Break around Childbirth
A2. Education, Training and Human Capital I Chair: Carmen Aina (Università  del Piemonte Orientale)
Marco Bertoni (Università di Padova)
Joint with:
GIorgio Brunello (Università di Padova|;|Lorenzo Cappellari)
Siblings and schoolmates: The effects of family-school interactions on educational achievement and long-term labor market outcomes
Daniele Biancardi (IRVAPP)
Joint with:
Massimiliano Bratti (European Commission JRC)
An Assessment of the Impact of the First Italian Research Evaluation Exercise on Student Choice
Carmen Aina (DiSEI -UPO)
Joint with:
Giorgia Casalone (DiSEI - UPO|;|Koray Aktas)
Does a reform on regulation of teaching activity impact on academic outcomes? Evidence from Italy
Giulio Bosio (University of Bergamo)
Joint with:
Federica Origo (University of Bergamo)
Teaching Modes and College Students Achievements. New Evidence from Entrepreneurship Education
A3. Migration I Chair: Michele Cascarano (Banca d\'Itala)
Majlinda Joxhe (University of Luxembourg)
Joint with:
Giuseppe De Arcangelis (University of Rome \"La Sapienza\"|;|Stefania Borelli)
Migration, Labor Tasks and Production Structure in Europe
Michele Cascarano (Bank of Italy)
Joint with:
Antonio Accetturo (Bank of Italy|;|Guido De Blasio)
Stuck in the Wrong Place: Long-term Consequences of Pirate Attacks in Italy
Maria De Paola (Università della Calabria)
Joint with:
Emanuele Bracco (Lancaster University |;|Colin Green)
The Effect of Far Right Parties on the Location Choice of Immigrants: Evidence from Lega Nord Mayors
Gaetano Basso (Bank of Italy)
Joint with:
Giovcanni Peri (UC Davis and NBER|;|Ahmed Rahman)
Immigration Responses to Technological Shocks — Theory and Evidence from the United States
A4. Gender I Chair: Vincenzo Scoppa (Università  della Calabria)
Fabio Fiorillo (Università Politecnica delle Marche)
Joint with:
Giovanni Busetta (Università di Messina|;|Giulio Palomba)
Will Ugly Betty ever find a job in Italy? ∗
Vincenzo Scoppa (Università della Calabria)
Joint with:
Maria De Paola (Università della Calabria|;|Francesca Gioia)
Team Production, Leadership and Gender
Michela Carlana (Università Bocconi)
Stereotypes and Self-Stereotypes: Evidence from Teachers' Gender Bias
A5. Institutions and Labour Market Policies Chair: Massimiliano Bratti (European Commission, JRC)
Guido De Blasio (Bank of Italy)
Joint with:
Ilaria De Angelis (Bank of Italy|;|Lucia Rizzica)
Lost in Corruption...Evidence from EU Funding to Southern Italy
Massimiliano Cerciello (University of Naples Parthenope)
Joint with:
Massimiliano Agovino (University of Naples Parthenope|;|Antonio Garofalo)
Do Institutions Affect Labour Market Participation? The Italian case
Chiara Ardito (University of Torino)
Rising Pension Age in Italy: Employment Response and Program Substitution
Massimiliano Bratti (European Commission, JRC)
Joint with:
Corinna Ghirelli (European Commission|;|Enkelejda Havari)
Vocational training and labour market outcomes: Evidence from Youth Guarantee in Latvia
B1. Job and Worker Flows Chair: Giovanni Pica (Università  di Milano)
Sevak Alaverdyan (Bielefeld Graduate School of Economics and Management)
Why do migrant workers rely more often on referrals ?
Mariya Mitkova (Bielefeld Graduate School of Economics and Management)
Labour market model with on-the-job search, an agent-based approach
Lorenzo Corsini (University of Pisa)
Joint with:
Irene Martelli (St. Anna School of Advanced Studies )
An Analysis of the Relationship Between Job Finding and IRT Estimated Deprivation
Saveria Capellari (University of Trieste)
Joint with:
Laura Chies (University of Trieste|;|Domenico De Stefano)
Network Analysis to Understand tThe Labour Market. Mobility Flows of Graduates and Phds in the Labour Market of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region from 2005-2014
B2. Education, Training and Human Capital II Chair: Stefano Staffolani (Università  Politecnica delle Marche)
Roberto Nisticò (University of Naples Federico II and CSEF)
Joint with:
Michele Di Maio (DSAE|;|Vasco Molini)
Education is Forbidden: The Effect of the Boko Haram Conflict on Schooling in Nigeria
Anna Maria Falzoni (University of Bergamo)
Joint with:
Valeria Caviezel (University of Bergamo|;|Sebastiano Vitali)
Who studies abroad and why?
Barbara Ermini (Università Politecnica delle Marche)
Joint with:
Luca Papi (Università Politecnica delle Marche|;|Francesca Scaturro)
Wage Returns to Interregional Mobility Among Ph.D Graduates. Do Occupations Matter?
B3. Migrations II Chair: Giuseppe Russo (Università  di Salerno)
Giuseppe Russo (University of Salerno and CSEF)
Joint with:
Francesco Salsano (University of Milan)
Electoral Systems and Immigration
Massimiliano Bratti (European Commission, JRC)
Joint with:
Claudio Deiana (European Commission JRC|;|Enkelejda Havari)
What are you voting for? Refugee reception centres and voting at the 2016 Italian constitutional referendum
Cesare Riillo (ANEC (“Agence pour la Normalisation et l'Économie de la Connaissance”) / STATEC (National Institute for statistics and economic studies of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg))
Joint with:
Peroni Chiara (STATEC (National Institute for statistics and economic studies of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) )
Entrepreneurship and Immigration: European Cross-country Evidence.
Emanuele Grassi (Università del Salento)
Joint with:
Sucharita Ghosh (The University of Akron)
Overeducation and overskilling in the early careers of Ph.D. graduates: Doesinternational migration reduce labor market mismatch?
B4. Gender II Chair: Patrizia Ordine (Università  della Calabria)
Elena Villar (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca)
Joint with:
Claudio Lucifora (UCSC and IZA|;|Dominique Meurs)
Children, Earnings and Careers in an Internal Labor Market. An Event Study Approach.
Gessica Vella (Unical)
Joint with:
Patrizia Ordine (Unical|;|Giuseppe Rose)
EPL reform on women's flows and wages
Paul Redmond (Economic and Social Research Institute)
Joint with:
Seamus McGuinness (Economic and Social Research Institute)
The gender wage gap in Europe: The role of gender convergence, job preferences and distributional effects
Federica D'Isanto (Università di Napoli Federico II)
Joint with:
Giorgio Liotti (Università di Napoli Federico II|;|Melania Verde)
The Impact of Spatial Factors on female Exclusion from the Labor Market: Empirical Evidences from South of Italy
B5. Institutions and Labour Market Policies II Chair: Guido de Blasio (Banca d''Italia)
Joachim Wolff (Institute for Employment Research)
Joint with:
Markus Kiesel (Institute for Employment Research)
Heterogeneous Effects of One-Euro-Job Participation by Sector of Employment in Germany
Guido De Blasio (Bank of Italy)
Joint with:
Monica Andini (Bank of Italy|;|Emanuele Ciani)
Targeting Policy-compliers with Machine Learning: An Application to a Tax Rebate Program in Italy
Agata Maida (University of Milan)
Joint with:
Cristina Tealdi (Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh)
Does Employment Protection Affect Educational Mismatch?*
Nicola Meccheri (Università di Pisa)
Joint with:
Simone D Alessandro (Università di Pisa|;|Davide Coluccia)
On the Effects of Firing Costs on Employment and Welfare in a Duopoly Market with Entry
C1. Labour Demand and Unions Chair: Giovanni Sulis (Università  di Cagliari)
Vincenzo Carrieri (Università DI Salerno)
Joint with:
Michele Raitano (Università di Roma La Sapienza|;|Francesco Principe)
What Makes you ‘Super-rich’? New Evidence from an Analysis of Football Players’ Earnings
Pasquale Tridico (Università Roma Tre)
Joint with:
Riccardo Pariboni (Università Roma Tre)
Structural change, aggregate demand and the decline of labour productivity: a comparative perspective
Paolo Naticchioni (Roma Tre)
Joint with:
Alessia Matano (Univ. Barcelona)
China’s Import Competition and Innovation: the Role of Unions
Giovanni Sulis (University of Cagliari, CRENoS, IZA)
Joint with:
Gabriele Cardullo (University of Genova|;|Maurizio Conti)
Unions, Two-Tier Bargaining and Physical Capital Investment: Theory and Firm-Level Evidence from Italy
C2. Education and Skills I Chair: Federica Origo (Università  di Bergamo)
Mauro Sylos Labini (Università di Pisa)
Joint with:
Manuel Bagues (Aalto University|;|Natalia Zinovyeva)
Connections and applicants' self selection: evidence from a natural randomized experiment
Julie Moschion (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Joint with:
Jessica Pan (NUS Singapore)
Gender Differences in the Effects of School-Starting-Age On Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills
Federica Origo (Universita di Bergamo)
Joint with:
Simona Comi (Università di Bergamo Università di Milano Bicocca|;|Laura Pagani)
Peer Effects on Non-cognitive Skills
Jacek Liwinski (University of Warsaw)
The Impact of Compulsory Schooling on Earnings. Evidence from the 1999 Education Reform in Poland
C3. Local Labor Market Chair: Sauro Mocetti (Banca d''Italia)
Lucia Rizzica (Bank of Italy)
Joint with:
Sauro Mocetti (Bank of Italy|;|Litterio Mirenda)
The Real Effects of 'ndrangheta: Firm Level Evidence
Marco Alberto De Benedetto (University of Messina)
The Effect of Council Size on Municipal Expenditures: Evidence from Italian Municipalities
Sauro Mocetti (Bank of Italy)
Joint with:
Antonio Accetturo (Bank of Italy|;|Andrea Lamorgese)
Housing supply elasticity and growth: Evidence from Italian cities
Paolo Ghinetti (DiSEI - Università del Piemonte Orientale)
Joint with:
Elena Cottini (Università Cattolica di Milano|;|Simone Moriconi)
Higher education supply, spatial competition and economic performance: evidence from Italy
C4. Family and Work Chair: Francesco Pastore (Università  della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli)
Sanghamitra Kanjilal (Depatment of Economics, University of Calcutta)
Joint with:
Francesco Pastore (Associate Professor of Political Economy at University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli)
Are lower Labour Market Returns to Education in India responsible for low Female Work Participation? An Analysis of NSSO Data: 2011-12
Daniele Biancardi (University of Milan and Irvapp)
A structural model of life-cycle decisions of (Italian) households
Isabella Giorgetti (Università Politecnica delle Marche)
Job Instability and Fertility during the Economic Recession: European Countries
C5. Jobs and Wages Chair: Giuseppe Rose (Università  della Calabria)
Joerg Heining (Institute for Employment Research (IAB))
Joint with:
Johannes Schmieder (Boston University|;|Till von Wachter)
The Costs of Job Displacement over the Business Cycle and Its Sources:
Valerio Intraligi (Università degli studi Roma Tre)
Exposure to Automation and the decline of Routine Employment across European Regions
Duncan Roth (IAB, Duesseldorf)
Joint with:
Uwe Blien (IAB Nuernberg |;|Wolfgang Dauth)
The Decline of Routine Jobs and Occupational Mobility
Elisabetta Lodigiani (University of Padua)
Joint with:
Giorgio Brunello (University of Padua|;|Lorenzo Rocco)
Does Low Skilled Immigration Cause Human Capital Polarization?
D1. VisitInps II Chair: Pietro Garibaldi (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Eliana Viviano (Bank of Italy)
Joint with:
Effrosyni Adamopoulou (Bank of Italy)
More Stable and Better Paid? The Effect of Hiring Subsidies on Wages
Claudia Vittori (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Joint with:
Paolo Naticchioni (Università Roma Tre|;|Marianna Belloc)
Cost of living, Centralized Wage Setting and Urban Wage Premia
Pietro Garibaldi (Collegio Carlo Alberto)
Joint with:
Tito Boeri (Universita Bocconi|;|Giovanni Pica)
Does Reducing Firing Costs Increase Job Destruction? Clean Evidence from the Italian Jobs Act
D2. Education and Skills II Chair: Maria De Paola (Università  della Calabria)
Veronica Minaya (Teachers College at Columbia University)
Do Differential Grading Norms Across Fields Matter for Major Choice? Evidence from a Policy Change in Florida
Maria De Paola (Università della Calabria)
Joint with:
Francesca Gioia (Università di Milano|;|Piluso Fabio)
Does Reminding of Behavioural Biases Increase Returns from Financial Trading? A Field Experiment
Mariangela Scorrano (Università di Trieste)
Joint with:
Laura Chies (Università di Trieste|;|Grazia Graziosi)
Overeducation and Overskilling across European Labour Markets. Preliminary Results from the First European Skills Survey using a Multilevel Analysis.
D3. Unemployment and Labor Supply Chair: Fernanda Mazzotta (Università  di Salerno)
Inna Petrunyk (Leuphana University Lueneburg)
Joint with:
Christian Pfeifer (Leuphana University Lueneburg)
Shortening the potential duration of unemployment benefits and labor market outcomes: Evidence from a natural experiment in Germany
Lavinia Parisi (Università di Salerno)
Joint with:
Fernanda Mazzotta (Università di Salerno|;|Annalisa Papaccio)
Household Control and Management Systems and Women Decision Making Within the Family in Europe
Francesca Carta (Bank of Italy)
Joint with:
Marta de Philippis (Bank of Italy)
Life-cycle Labour Supply Responses to Longer Working Lives: Evidence from a Pension Reform∗
D4. Health/Satisfaction Chair: Claudio Lucifora (Università  Cattolica di Milano)
Daria Vigani (Università Cattolica di Milano)
Joint with:
Claudio Lucifora (|;|Eve Caroli)
Health-Care Utilization at Retirement: the Role of the Opportunity Cost of Time
Gabriella Conti (University College London)
Joint with:
Rita Ginja (University of Bergen|;|Renata Narita)
Non-Contributory Health Insurance and Household Labor Supply: Evidence from Mexico
Marco Savioli ( Department of Economics, University of Salento)
Joint with:
Simona Cicognani (Department of Economics|;|Martina Cioni)
The secret to job satisfaction is low expectations: How perceived working conditions differ from actual ones