LABOUR Dissertation Prize


The Italian Association of Labour Economics (AIEL) is pleased to announce the first edition of the LABOUR Dissertation Prize for PhD theses. The prize includes a 2000€ award offered by LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations. The prize aims to reward outstanding PhD dissertations in the field of Labour Economics, broadly defined to include topics such as education, health and inequality.

The prize is bi-annual and submissions to the first edition are invited from authors of PhD theses defended between January 1st 2022 and December 31st 2023. Interested candidates should send their thesis by email together with a PhD certificate awarded by the granting institution to no later than 15 March 2024.

The theses will be evaluated by a panel composed by members of the AIEL executive committee and the editorial board of LABOUR. The outcome of the evaluation will be announced by 15 May 2024.

The Prize will be presented to the winner on the occasion of the 39th AIEL Annual Congress, to be held in Naples on 3rd and 4th October 2024. The winner will also be invited to present a paper from the thesis in one of the parallel session of the congress. AIEL will grant a waiver of the conference fees to the prize winner.